My name is Pablo Rodriguez, I'm 26 years old, and I'm a Full Stack Developer. I currently reside in Santa Ana, El Salvador. My passion for programming and web development drives me to continuously grow professionally. As an objective, I aspire to strengthen my technical skills and become an expert in developing modern web applications using the latest technologies and efficient frameworks.

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Some of my hobbies are:

📖 Reading

🐲 Watching anime

🚶‍♂️ Goint for walks

💻 Programming

🎧 Listening to music

🎮 Playing video games

Some of my soft skills are:

Check-soft Patience

Check-soft Self-taught

Check-soft Teamwork

Check-soft Professional ethics

Check-soft Responsible

Check-soft Adaptability

Some of my training and courses are:

Check FreeCodeCamp

Check Open BootCamp

Check Kodigo(Full Stack Junior)

Check Platzi